Available Classes
Have a group that would like to take a workshop or class?
Have a studio venue and need classes?
Contact me about what you'd like to try and we can make it happen!
Classes are available in these topics and most can be customized for both kids and adults, and can vary in length from workshops to extended courses. Private and semi-private lessons, and weekly art and stitching groups featuring individual support and feedback are available as well. Individual and small group classes can happen at my home or yours, depending on the class, and larger groups can be accommodated in one of several local arts venues.

Drawing, Collage and Mixed Media
Collage and Mixed Media Techniques
Painting with Paper on Canvas
Altered Books
Artist Trading Cards
Creative Bookmaking
Love Your Sketchbook!
Sketchbook Adventures
Drawing for Fun and Confidence
Paper Mache Sculpture
Paper Mache Pottery
Theme Studio
Collage and Mixed Media Techniques
Painting with Paper on Canvas
Altered Books
Artist Trading Cards
Creative Bookmaking
Love Your Sketchbook!
Sketchbook Adventures
Drawing for Fun and Confidence
Paper Mache Sculpture
Paper Mache Pottery
Theme Studio

Textile Arts
Fiber Studio 1
Fiber Studio 2
Quilted Fabric Collage (Quilt Guild Favorite)
Quilted Fabric Collage Embellishment (Quilt Guild Favorite)
Free Motion Quilting
Fabric Mummy Art Doll Class
YoYo Studio
Beading on Paper
Paper and Fabric Beadmaking
Basic Jewelry Techniques
"Fabric Bondage: Fancy Tie Dye"
Embellished Digital Fabric Prints
Stitch Studio: Drawing with Thread
Stitch Studio: Counted Stitch Embroidery
Stitch Studio: Free Motion Machine Drawing
Stitch and Chat (and Sip?) Group
Fiber Studio 1
Fiber Studio 2
Quilted Fabric Collage (Quilt Guild Favorite)
Quilted Fabric Collage Embellishment (Quilt Guild Favorite)
Free Motion Quilting
Fabric Mummy Art Doll Class
YoYo Studio
Beading on Paper
Paper and Fabric Beadmaking
Basic Jewelry Techniques
"Fabric Bondage: Fancy Tie Dye"
Embellished Digital Fabric Prints
Stitch Studio: Drawing with Thread
Stitch Studio: Counted Stitch Embroidery
Stitch Studio: Free Motion Machine Drawing
Stitch and Chat (and Sip?) Group